Thursday, August 21, 2008

Totally Crazy About Kenya

If you thought Kenya was all about great safaris - think again, as Acacia Adventure Holidays have a new campaign running, proving that there's plenty more to the African wildlife capital than the Big Five! A group of Kenyan artists and hip-hop musicians have gathered together to generate a positive vibe for the destination and you can check it out live and direct from Facebook.  Tune into the latest tracks and view some stunning pieces of Kenyan inspired artwork at:

The grassroots project is a novel way to generate interest in the destination and once you've had your fill of art and hip-hop you can always head to the wildlife capital for a sensational safari. A great time to travel, from July to September game viewers will have the opportunity to catch sight of the annual migration in the Masai Mara.  More wildebeest for your wonga - you can also blag the best late deals, again on Facebook, on the Acacia Adventure Holidays page:

Telephone Acacia Adventure Holidays on 020 7706 4700, email: or visit

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